Monday, October 17, 2016

BOOK MAIL! Author Teresa Marotta

Woohoo! It's book mail time! I'm so incredibly excited about this new collection of goodies from Teresa Marotta!

This book haul includes the following books. Click on the images for more info on Amazon.

My Father's Daughter

The Grave Tracker 
To be released soon: Nov. 1, 2016

Pregnant Women's Weird Cravings Cookbook!
This is a humorous collection of unusual food combinations that pregnant women have craved. 

I've already been flipping through "Pregnant Women's Weird Cravings Cookbook" and it is quite humorous. Not gonna lie, I'm going to try some of these 'meal ideas.' They don't all look awful and some I'm just plain curious about. 
There is also a legit recipe in the back, a family recipe for spaghetti, that I am most certainly going to try! 

My Name is Shybo

Also by Teresa Marotta aka Teresa Brown:

Adoption Records Handbook

This highly rated book is a resource to help people find their birth families or other missing relatives.

Kanine Koolers

Included in my book mail was bookmarks for the author, and her daughter's startup: Kanine Koolers. As a dog owner myself I thought this was really interesting and decided to share it with you. You can visit their site here: Kanine Koolers to see the health benefits of this treat. If you would like to help support this startup you can donate here: IndieGoGo

Stay tuned for my reviews!

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