Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Gamer Girl (REVIEW)


Gamer Girl

Author: Glynis Astie
Category: Romatic Comedy, Chick Lit, Contemporary Romance
Suitable for: 17+
My Rating: 5 Stars
Format Read for Review: Kindle copy provided by the author in return for my honest review.
Pages: 330

Description: Meri is a shy, socially awkward twenty-something with very few friends and a passion for video games. She works for a video game company as an assistant to a total diva of a game designer. She performs miracles keeping him happy while also striving toward her own dream of having her video game created. This busy work-life on top of her gaming habit don't leave her much time for dating. Not that she would want to seeing how her past relationship ended. Enter Morgan, the dreamiest of delivery boys and flirting with little ol' her? Will she be able to let down her guard and fall in love? Will she find love in her online gaming world? Read it to find out!

In Short: This is a very sweet, funny and entertaining romantic comedy. If you love video games this book will be of special interest to you because it shares with you not only her real life, but her fantasy in-game life (which is a story all its own.) The story and characters are very special and far more complex than your standard romance novel. I recommend this to fans of contemporary romance.

Pros: I have so much good to say about this book. You may have been hearing me talk about it a lot over the past month, because this was a really great book that I was really excited about. I really get this book and it really works for me. The characters are wonderfully developed and complex, the storyline is awesome, the romance is beautiful, and the ending was incredible. I thought I had it the story all figured out all along but there was a nice little surprise for me at the end. Meri's family, as endearing as they are, are SO overbearing. If they were my family they would drive me insane. One aspect I really enjoyed about this book was the overlap of her real life and game life. Each chapter started with a section in italics that described the story going on in her regular gaming as well as the in-game personas of the people she is playing with. The game world had its own epic story with plenty of conflict, suspense, and possibly even a little romance. The This book is well written, enjoyable to read, fast paced and full of action.   

Cons: I have no notable issues with this book. There were only a couple minor typos that editing missed but nothing distracting.  

Parent's Guide: Overall pretty clean book for a romance but there is obviously some degree of sexual content, and some language. No violence and not "erotica."

Connect with Glynis Astie:

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Friday, May 26, 2017

Cover Reveal of Rom Com - Little Gray Dress

Welcome to the Cover Reveal of Rom Com Little Gray Dress

*POOF* Another beautiful book is born...

Title: Little Gray Dress
Author: Aimee Brown

Genre: Romantic Comedy

Publisher: Crooked Cat Books
Release Date: August 2nd, 2017
Pre-Orders Available: Early July

Emi Harrison has avoided her ex-fiance, Jack Cabot, for nearly two years. Her twin brother Evan’s wedding is about to end that streak.

From bad bridesmaid’s dresses, a hyperactive sister-in-law, a mean girl with even meaner secrets, and too much to drink, nothing seems to go right for Emi, except when she’s wearing her little gray dress.

When she speed-walks into Liam Jaxon’s bar, things get more complicated. He’s gorgeous, southern, and has no past with Emi. He may be exactly what she needs to prove for the last time that she doesn’t need or want Jack!

Her favorite little gray dress has made an appearance at nearly every major event in Emi’s adult life. Will it make another grand appearance when she least expects it?

Pre-Order the Book in early July.
*for a notification when the books pre-order is up, sign-up for her author newsletter.

About the Author:

Author Bio:
Aimee Brown is a writer and avid reader, often blogging her thoughts on chick lit books. Little Gray Dress is her first novel published. She’s currently studying for her Bachelor’s degree in English Writing. She spends much of her time writing her next book, doing homework, raising three teenagers, binge watching shows on Netflix and obsessively cleaning and redecorating her house. She’s fluent in sarcasm and has been known to use far too many swear words.
Aimee grew up in Oregon but is now a transplant living in cold Montana with her husband of twenty years, three teenage children, and many, many pets.
She would love to hear your thoughts on Little Gray Dress! If you want to chat with her she’s very active on social media.
Participate in the Book Tour:
Aimee would love to have you as a part of this upcoming release day book tour!
If you'd like to sign-up to review the book during the tour or post a feature, author q&a, author guest post, excerpt, or giveaway, click the image below to sign-up.
Or --- sign-up here --->

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Blog Tour w/ Giveaway! Beyond Death

Beyond Death Banner .jpg     

Blog Tour ~ Beyond Death 
Author: Deb McEwan 
Genre: Supernatural/Suspense 
Dates: 22nd of May ~ 2nd of June 
Hosted by: Ultimate Fantasy Book Tours

  Beyond Death 

Blurb: What really happens when we die? Twenty-something Claire Sylvester is about to find out. The morning after the best night of her life she is taken before her time. Claire is suspended in her mysterious new world. She watches as the secret lives of those she loves unravels, and sadistic villains are punished on the road to their own personal hell. All the while a higher authority ponders her ultimate fate. More than Claire knows depends on her actions and those of the unlikely partner who accompanied her on her journey. What will be her final destination? Beyond Death - a supernatural thriller of love and loss, deceit and revenge, with a little romance and humor.


 Buy Link: 


 Author Bio: Following thirty odd years in the British Army, Deb and her husband Allan decided to become weather refugees and settle in Cyprus. Throughout her life Deb has dabbled with writing. Her first book was 'Reindeer Dreams' - a quirky rhyming Christmas story for children featuring Barry the reindeer and his family. Her first grown-up books about aliens and unearthly spiders could be explained as off the wall. The Afterlife trilogy came next with a few 'Jason the Penguin' books in between. The first book in the current series 'Unlikely Soldiers', is set in 1970s Britain, with others to follow through the decades. Deb now spends her time writing, working part-time, avoiding housework and playing tour guide along with Allan. She tries to keep the pounds off by playing netball and long-distance walking.

Visit her at: 


Saturday, May 20, 2017

New Books of 2017 (Part 4) #ShortReadsSaturdays Lisa Shea Edition

Welcome to another list of 2017 new releases! This is a special #ShortReadsSaturdays edition, all the books on this list are short reads!

This list features short books by author Lisa Shea 

If you have kindle unlimited this is your chance to stock up on a bunch of reads for #ShortReadsSaturdays! 

Cinderella - A Retelling with Strength andCourage (Courageous Heroine Fairy Tales Book 1)

Snow White - A Retelling with Strength and Courage (Courageous Heroine Fairy Tales Book 2)

Black Sea Deluge - A Flood Myth Short Story (The Historic Noah Flood Series Book 1)

Raining Cats and Dogs - Dog Fosterer Museum Mysteries (An Art Detective Dog Lover's Short Story Book 7)

The Swimming Snake - A Rosalinda Alameda Mystery (a Cozy Zoo Short Story Book 7)

Manchaug - Love and Loss during King Philip's War (Nipmuc Praying Village Short Stories Book 1)

Lisa Shea's Official Site
Free books

Links are affiliate links that will take you to Amazon for more information and buying options. If you have Kindle Unlimited many Lisa Shea books are free to you!
Don't have Kindle Unlimited? Get a Kindle Unlimited 30-Day Free Trial

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Spotlight - Rolf Richardson


Action Adventures with a Dash of Romance


Rolf Richardson

After flying training in the RAF, Rolf Richardson moved to Civil Aviation and 25 years with BOAC and British Airways, flying Britannias, VC10s & 747s.  This confirmed him as a travel freak, so he carried on in similar vein, wandering the world as a travel photographer and then a Cruise lecturer.   Seemed a pit to waste all this experience, so he has now taken to writing about it, so far three 'easy reads', which aim to entertain and hopefully inform, with a dash of humour and romance. "The Last Weiss" is set in Germany and Norway during the final year of WW2.  "Coffin Corner" invents a new airline in early 1960s Singapore. "Bear Bugger cruise" takes us to the present day and the cruise industry.

It's the dawn of a new decade: 1960. Archie, a young RAF pilot looking for pastures new, gets a job with an airline based in Singapore. His older colleagues are of the war-time generation, trained to complete the mission, almost regardless of cost. But it's now peacetime and the new mantra is maximum safety.

Unfortunately, the tools of the aviation trade in the early 1960s were primitive by today's standards. Scarcely a week went by without the wreckage of an airliner appearing on the front pages. Archie's initial workplace was the Bristol Britannia, a sedate looking aircraft that hid some of the strangest designs ever to grace the skies. Add the constant threat of the tropical rainbelt and you have an environment that can hardly be described as friendly.

This is a story of people who worked in the 'teenage years' of the airline industry: the pilots, engineers and cabin crew; the entrepreneur who got the airline off the ground; the ageing aviatrix, with progressive ideas, in charge of personnel. It's also a story of the struggle to rebuild Singapore after the ravages of war; and to navigate the thorny path from being a colony to independence.

The action radiates from the airline's base at Singapore: to Calcutta, Karachi, Phuket, Darwin and Australian outback. Finally, Archie has to face a problem that still tests pilots 50 years on: Coffin Corner.

In the final year of the Second World War, a Lancaster bomber is shot down over Nazi Germany. The tail gunner, a Norwegian named Per, is the only survivor. Tramping through Germany in a seemingly hopeless quest to avoid being sent to a POW camp, he happens to save the life of young Benni, the last son of a prominent family.

Hailed as a hero, with Germany now desperate for labour, and his status uncertain, Per is put to work in the town's gasthof, where he quickly makes friends with the local people. Especially Siggy, Benni's mother.

But in Nazi Germany death is never far away and soon Per's situation becomes precarious. When a top Nazi, Gauleiter Frunze, with his own mysterious agenda, offers Per a chance to return to Norway, he accepts. In spite of the extraordinary condition attached to this offer.

Per's action thriller life resumes in Norway, amongst the top echelon of the occupying Nazis, who are desperately trying to salvage whatever they can in the last, losing days of the Second World War.

As the Third Reich collapses in a welter of chaos and blood, Per finds both his personal life and that of his country heading towards a climax. An action thriller and historical romance with twists and turns that will keep you reading until the very last page, 'The Last Weiss' is a Second World War novel you will not want to miss.

If you are a book reviewer and interested in these books visit PublishingPush for a review copy!

Bear Bugger Cruise

Two days into a world cruise a man is reported overboard, but no one appears to be missing. As she heads for the Caribbean the good ship Gioconda faces further problems. What about that unsavoury passenger in the owner's suite? And can the Bear Bugger keep the old ship going?

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Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Blog Tour w/ Giveaway! - The Blood of the Infected by Anthony J. Stanton

The Blood of the Infected Banner  
Blog Tour ~ The Blood of the Infected Series 
 Author: Antony J. Stanton 
 Genre: post-apocalyptic/thriller/horror 
 Tour Dates: 15th - 19th of May

  OBTD High Contrast 2017.jpg 

 Blurb: "Once Bitten, Twice Die" by Antony J. Stanton
 The end of the world was just the beginning. A cure for dementia has disastrously failed. Patients are left crazed, infectious and enraged. The ensuing carnage quickly spreads the disease, and civilisation is decimated. On London’s outskirts a military base shelters some survivors. The soldiers within must battle against the infected who now roam unchallenged. Tensions are high, relationships fraught, death commonplace. But if they thought the end of the world was bad enough, their troubles have only just begun... An ancient menace has long existed in secret alongside humanity - a vampire clan, which has recently encountered the soldiers. Now is their time to emerge from the shadows. First though they have to overcome their own problems. They too have to fight for survival against the infected, and they violently disagree on their approach towards the humans. Hostilities are rising. It's only a matter of time now... 
 Buy Link: Amazon


Book two from 'The Blood of the Infected' series: "Once Bitten, Twice Live"
 When death is the best option, survival is no longer enough… With a growing realization that their continued existence bestows upon them a debt to humanity, the survivors look to create a cure for the insanity that has brought civilization to its knees. But that only encourages disagreement and infighting, and comes at a heavy price, bringing various shocks and surprises. Tensions amongst the vampires are escalating, jeopardizing the very existence of the clan itself. A battle for supremacy seems inevitable and their future is in the balance. How far will Farzin go to achieve his aims - domination of the vampires and humans alike? And how terrible will his vengeance be against any who stand in his path? Their interaction with the humans threatens to increase and not necessarily for the benefit of either group. Meanwhile the wrathful infected grow ever hungrier… When every day is a struggle to stay alive, survival of the fittest is never guaranteed. Buy Link: Amazon

TBTD front-hi 

 Book three from 'The Blood of the Infected' series: "Twice Bitten, Twice Die"
 When there’s no one left to hear you scream… Deaths amongst the survivors are occurring at an unsustainable rate. Numbers are rapidly dwindling. Morale is plummeting. Soon they will be beyond salvation, yet their real task has only just begun. But will anyone remain alive to complete it? Nothing could have prepared the soldiers for what lies ahead. If they thought life was brutal already, they had absolutely no idea… The vampires are in disarray. Their relationships are becoming blurred, confused and violent. A titanic clash between soldiers and vampires seems imminent but no one’s survival is assured. In a world where life is unpredictable, the threat from the infected suddenly becomes even more unexpected and menacing. Hostilities are inevitable. Only one thing is certain: there will be blood! 
 Buy Link: Amazon


 Author Bio: “Once Bitten, Twice Die” is the debut novel from Antony J. Stanton. The book is the first of ‘The Blood of the Infected’ series, in the ‘post-apocalyptic action thriller’ genre. Stanton was born in London in 1970. Even as a child he always dreamed of becoming a published author, and he started to write a book. But, having watched the film ‘Top Gun,’ he was swayed into a becoming a military pilot. After no more than a glancing blow of a career in the British Royal Air Force he decided that his long term future lay elsewhere and he became a commercial pilot and remains thus to this day. Hence much of this trilogy was written all around the world, generally at unsociable times when jet-lag meant that normal people were asleep. During a holiday with three friends, a bet was made amongst them. Each had a task to fulfil within the year – Stanton’s was to write a book. A little late, but five years on and his challenge has been completed. Three times. His period spent in the RAF helped him write the military survival aspects of this book, and a kidnapping incident in Kazakhstan and shooting in Ghana, amongst other ‘adventures’, provided him with a dark well of experience to draw from. Life is, after all, one big adventure. A combination of the aforementioned, along with his love of the darker sides of literature, and the results are this novel and the next two in the trilogy. And all it took was the impetus of a friendly challenge to spur him on to his creative dream… He still lives in South London and is very much looking forward to watching his friend fulfilling his part of the challenge: demonstrating his (not-so) newly acquired break-dancing skills, surely a sight to behold.

 Visit Anthony J. Stanton: 


Monday, May 15, 2017

New Release! French Roast by Glynis Astie

Yesterday, May 14, 2017 
French Roast by Glynis Astie 
was released! 


Sydney Durand, the quirky yet lovable heroine of the French Twist series, is back for one final installment in a very special novella.

As the wife of a gorgeous and romantic Frenchman and the mother of the most angelic boy ever, Sydney is living a life of sheer perfection. She’s gone through quite a bit to achieve this charmed life, and now nothing is going to bring her down. Or so she thinks.

Just when Sydney’s happiness is at its height, an unexpected event throws her life into chaos, threatening her happily ever after. With her tight-knit family in danger of falling apart, she suddenly finds herself longing for the days of dating disasters and unsolicited (and embarrassing!) advice from her wise-cracking father. At least those humiliations would be easier to take than the devastation now enveloping her heart.

Will she be able to find the strength her parents have always fought to instill in her, or will she spiral into the void of her always-lurking anxiety? Sydney’s challenge is to survive...or roast...

Want to read them all in order? Get the French Twist Series here.

This entire series is free with KindleUnlimited
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