Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Steal Me: A Haunted Roads Novel - Release Announcement!

Released today, May 31, 2016. 

I so badly wanted to read this book in time to review it for release day but unfortunately I just didn't have the time. I will be reviewing it soon though, so check back! So why is this release so exciting to me, you may wonder. I'll tell you, I just LOVE India R Adams' writing! Here are my reviews of a couple of her other books, Blue Waters and My Wolf and Me. These are amazing 5 star novellas. 

India R Adams has an extraordinary talent for writing amazingly deep stories with wild twists that make the reader feel such a huge range of emotions. When I read her books I laugh and cry, gasp and scowl. The characters really come to life and show you their story. And because she "shows" you what is happening instead of just "telling" it, you live the story.

So in a nutshell, this is why I am announcing to you the release of Steal Me. India's books are pure gold, top-shelf, amazing quality books. I definitely urge you to check out this book or her other books. Steal Me is a more adult novel with some possible triggers but if you are looking for something more teen/young adult (YA) friendly check out the Tainted Water series or the beautifully sweet love story for all ages, My Wolf and Me. If you follow this link to her website you can get the first book of the Tainted Water Series, Blue Waters for FREE!


Sunday, May 29, 2016

My Reading List

Here is an updated list of books in my reading queue (not totally in order). First part of the list with more detail on the books can be found here. Find some great deals below many of these books are free with Kindle Unlimited, under $3, only $0.99 or free.


Spying on the Boss by Janet Lee Nye - Currently reading and loving it!

Steal Me by India R Adams - Currently available for preorder price of $0.99

Black Waters by India R Adams - Snag it for $0.99


Last Request a Victorian Gothic by Jeff Chapman - Free with Kindle Unlimited or just $0.99

Give Me Your Teeth: A Fae Tale by Jeff Chapman Free with Kindle Unlimited or just $0.99

Sixpence and Rye and a Snake in my Pie by Jeff Chapman - FREE


Cold Feet Fever by Maureen Fisher

The Zarion Saving Mankind by G.E. Grace - Free with Kindle Unlimited.

Bleak: The First Mission by Ian Martyn - Short story prequel. Free with Kindle Unlimited.

Bleak: The Story of a Shapeshifter by Ian Martyn - Free with Kindle Unlimited.


The Reflections of Queen Snow White by David Meredith - Free with Kindle Unlimited or just $1.99

The Whisper Trilogy by Dana Faletti - Free with Kindle Unlimited.

Enthralled by D. Ryan Gish


A Minor Happy Ending by Shaan Ranae

Murder in Absentia by Assaph Mehr - Free with Kindle Unlimited

The Rules Series by Hanleigh Bradley 


The Cain Children by Brett Lane

Inside Out by Jack Kearney

A Long Journey - The Adventure Begins by Kate Merchant - Free with Kindle Unlimited


Seven of I: The Keeper of the Words by Valerie Ryan

Rhuna Star Child by Barbara Underwood 

The Death of Anyone by D.J. Swykert - $0.99


Your Soul Was Made for Mine by C. L. Hunter

Coming Darkness by Susan Alia Terry - Free with Kindle Unlimited

Put Away Your Phone by Tracy Bryan - $2.99 children's book


The Rishis: Book of Secrets by Robert Delgado

The Owl Goddess by Jenny Twist - Free with Kindle Unlimited

Tee for Two by Sybill Powell - Free with Kindle Unlimited


Garage Band: The Legend of Dookie Harris by Michael Tavon - Free with Kindle Unlimited

From a Cold Dark Place by Michael Tavon - Free with Kindle Unlimited

Love and Other Things by Michael Tavon, Woe's 89 -  Free with Kindle Unlimited

Gravity Games by John Matsui

Genius Biographies by Ankesh Kothari

Stay tuned for the reviews and let me know what you are reading!

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Guest Post with Jeff Chapman

Hello everyone! Today I am thrilled to welcome Jeff Chapman to the blog for a guest post. I am so psyched that he has agreed to share the inspiration for his marvelously creepy books: Last Request - A Victorian Gothic and Give Me Your Teeth - A Fae Tale 

Sometimes story ideas come to a writer fully formed--an intriguing incident paired with an exciting climax. When those kinds of ideas shoot out of your subconscious, you fall to your knees and thank the muses. More often, a writer starts with an interesting premise which grows into a story as the what if questions are answered.

Fear is a great place to start for any story idea. If being buried in a cramped box under six feet of dirt doesn't terrify you, nothing will. In the nineteenth century, before embalming became common practice and medical science could distinguish between a dead patient and a comatose one, a premature burial was not out of the question. The theme looms large in several of Edgar Allan Poe's stories, including "The Premature Burial" and "The Fall of the House of Usher." If a character fears a premature burial, how will that character make certain their death? I figure beheading removes all doubt. Combining my love of Gothic literature with the beheading premise, I built the story for Last Request, adding a plucky, though naive, heroine and a very odd sextant.

You won't find many Tooth Fairy stories on Amazon. The poor fairy doesn't receive much serious attention as a fantasy character. Everyone learns the Tooth Fairy is really their mother or father and all those little teeth find a resting place in the bottom of the trash. It's sad many people treat the Tooth Fairy as a joke because I see a lot of potential. What would happen if we reverse the joke. What if someone's mother really is a Tooth Fairy? And what if the Tooth Fairy keeps all those teeth where teeth belong? Give Me Your Teeth builds on those questions and explores a mother's unique solution to combating a bully terrorizing her son. You should never cross a fae where its children are concerned.

Special thanks to O. D. Book Reviews for the guest posting opportunity and for featuring two of my titles in this month's giveaway

Thank you for joining us on the blog today, Jeff Chapman. What shocking and creative inspirations! If you guys found that as interesting as I did good news, you can buy these books for just $0.99 on Amazon. Or if you have Kindle Unlimited they are free! You can even win these books in this contest until May 31st. 

You can get a free Book from Jeff Chapman's official website by signing up for the mailing list.



Quick Amazon affiliate links to purchase them for $0.99 each on Amazon:

Review of Last Request: A Victorian Gothic
Review of Give Me Your Teeth: A Fae Tale
Review of Soul Thief

Monday, May 23, 2016

Convenient Fall Book Release Tour


Convenient Fall

Players of Marycliff University Book 2

Jerica MacMillan

New Adult Romance

Release Date: May 16, 2016


Sleeping with your roommate is a bad idea, right?

Megan Davidson is scrambling to find a new place after Abby, her roommate and best friend decides to move in with her boyfriend Lance.  With just a week until classes start, the open spot left in Lance’s old house looks like her best option.  She moves in with Matt and Chris, shameless flirts and notorious players.

Chris Watkins first met Megan at their Fourth of July party over the summer, and he’s wanted her ever since.  She’s now tantalizingly close, and he doesn’t want to keep his hands to himself, even if its the worst idea ever.  Chris doesn’t do relationships, but once with Megan just isn’t enough.

With ground rules in place, it seems like everything’s working out fine.  But will Chris’s history catch up to him and ruin everything?  

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Chris held the restaurant door open for Megan. It was after two on a Sunday and the usual lunch crowd had cleared, so they got a table right away. He'd opted for Fire, the fancy pizza place. He didn't know what was expected for a date on a Sunday afternoon. Megan was in jeans and he wore shorts, so a really upscale place didn't seem like a good choice. He'd been here a couple of times and the food was good.

Once they’d ordered their pizza and the waitress had gone, Chris fidgeted a little, tapping his fingers on the table.

Megan studied him over the top of her glass. “Nervous?”

He stopped his hands through sheer force of will. “Nope. Why?” He managed to keep his voice casual. Good.

A grin spread across Megan's face. “You're bouncing your leg like crazy.”

Shit. He stopped that too. “I don't know what you're talking about.” That casual tone he'd managed before? Nope, gone now. He was such a bad liar sometimes. Megan just laughed at him and he smiled. “Fine. I don't take girls out very often.”

“How often is not very often?” Megan's tone was dry, and her lips twitched with suppressed laughter.  He appreciated that she was trying not to laugh in his face, even though part of him was kind of annoyed that she found it so amusing that he was flustered. He didn't get flustered with girls, dammit. But he didn't date girls either.

He screwed up his face like he was deep in thought. “Hmm. About never.”

Megan lost her fight with her laughter and let it out. She didn't hold back when she laughed—no simpering giggles like so many girls used when they flirted with him.

Her laughter died down and she studied him again, the humor now gone from her face. “So, this is a date.”

He nodded and took a drink of his soda, wondering where she was going with this. Hadn't they established this morning that this was a date?

“Does that mean we're dating?”

He shrugged. “What would that mean, exactly?”

“Don't worry, you don't have to take me out to eat all the time or anything.” She flashed him a big grin and he smiled back. “But no ******* anyone else while we're together. If you want to end it, have the balls to end it with me before you hook up with another chick.”

It was his turn to study her face. The waitress showed up then with their food. What impeccable timing. He waited for her to leave before he returned his attention to Megan. “Sounds fair. And it goes both ways.”

“Of course.” She maintained eye contact, her brown eyes holding his like she was trying to see inside him without giving anything away. Finally she flashed her smile again and got a slice of pizza.

Their conversation relaxed after that. She seemed satisfied with his answers about their relationship, such as it was. Relationship. That was a loaded word. Their … shit. He couldn't come up with anything better than relationship. In any case, he was happy she didn’t push for more than he was able to give. Exclusivity didn't seem like too big of a deal. Especially since he hadn't wanted anyone else since he'd met her.

Other Books In This Series

One summer is all they have ...

A chance encounter at a party brings Lance and Abby together.

Lance just graduated and has a summer internship. His parents expect him to come back to Texas to work in the family business at the end of the summer. He likes to have fun and doesn't want to be tied down too soon. Until he meets Abby.

Abby still has two years left of college and a mom who keeps her anchored near the town where she grew up. She is cautious in relationships, not letting people close. But Lance's persistence wears down her defenses. Knowing Lance is leaving, Abby tells herself it's just a summer fling.

Will that be enough to keep her from falling in love?

Release tour special of $0.99!

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How I Approach Writing a Story 
Guest Post by Jerica MacMillan for Aspiring Writers

If you’ve ever taken a class where they propose to teach you how to write, you were probably taught that there is One True Way to write.  That probably involved an outline.  And multiple drafts.  And you may have been required to turn in an outline for a grade, a first draft for a grade, and a final draft for a grade.  If you’re like me, this probably made you want to scream and throw things or bang your head on a desk.  This was especially painful if it happened more than once throughout your career as a student.

You may have guessed that I’m not much of a plotter.  If you’re not a writer, you may not be aware of the divide between plotters and pantsers—or those that outline everything in advance and those who write “by the seat of their pants."

The thing is, I’m not really a pantser, either.  I don’t fit very well in either camp (story of my life, really, but that’s another subject for another time).  I fall in the middle as a sort of hybrid.  Luckily, I’m not alone.  I’ve met many other authors who take a similar approach to writing.

So, how do I approach writing a story?  I have two bare minimum requirements for me to start a book: the main characters and the opening scene.  The nice thing about those two things is that you can extrapolate everything else from that basic starting point.  I know how the characters meet (or run into each other again) that starts off the particular story I’m telling.  Usually, the seeds of the conflict that keeps them apart come up in that first meeting.  Or, at the very least, I learn enough about my characters in the writing of the opening scenes to figure that out.  

For Convenient Fall I already had the characters created because they were in the first book, Summer Fling.  That should’ve made things easier, but it didn’t.  Convenient Fall was my Nanowrimo project that ended up taking three months to write.  I got sidetracked by another project partway through, so that’s my excuse.  (That didn’t happen until December, though.  There was no way I could’ve finished the book in one month.)

The next thing I need is the conflict.  There’s no story without some kind of conflict.  What do the characters want?  What do they need?  What are their deal-breakers?  Because it’s romance, I know the characters eventually end up together, because that’s part of the genre definition (and why I like romance, for that matter.  I’m a sucker for a happily ever after).  

In Convenient Fall the initial conflict was sort of obvious, and is summed up in the first line of the blurb—sleeping with your roommate is a bad idea.  Especially since Chris is kind of a manwhore, and what girl wants to live with a guy who has a constant parade of women in and out of his room after he’s slept with you?  Maybe there are women who would be okay with that, but Megan’s not one of them.  But there’s heat and attraction that’s been brewing between them since they met, so …

There has to be more to the story after that, though, right?  Because either I have to keep them apart the whole time (which I didn’t want, and had just done something like that in book two in my other series, Rebound Envy), or there has to be more to get in the way of their relationship.  That means getting to know the characters more deeply and finding out what makes them tick.  There’s a sweet, caring guy under Chris’s brash, player exterior, and Megan has deeper issues than she lets on with her let-it-all-hang-out, tell-it-like-it-is attitude that we got to know in Summer Fling.  

Once I know the conflict I come up with two or three major plot points that move the story forward.  I figure out how they get together, and what and when something goes wrong.  This gives me a sort of framework to build the story on.  Another writer friend (who’s a plotter), tried to tell me this is the same as an outline.  It’s not, though.  At least not as most people are taught about outlines.  Outlines usually include fully written out scene lists and have things pre-divided up by chapters and acts or whatever story form that particular writer subscribes to.  I have three or four key things that I know need to happen, and then let the characters drive the story in that direction.  I let them take me from one key point to the next.  I never know how they end up together and work through whatever crap is keeping them apart until it happens.  Sometimes vague ideas come to me about that as I’m writing, but it’s never definite until it happens.  (I’d give examples, but I don’t want to let out any spoilers if you haven’t read the book yet.)

So, there’s your glimpse behind the curtain into the crazy writer-space inside my head.  I’ll spare you the details of how my characters talk to me and stuff, because that just makes me sound like I need some serious mental health intervention (I’ve been assured that it’s normal for writers, though, so don’t worry, I’m fine).

I’m always happy to answer questions and talk to readers, so feel free to stick around and leave comments. Or send me an email if you want. I can be reached at: contact (at) jericamacmillan (dot) com.

About Jerica MacMillan

Jerica MacMillan is a lifelong reader and lover of romance.  Nothing beats escaping into a book and watching people fall in love, overcome obstacles, and find their happily ever after.  She was recently named a semi finalist in Harlequin’s So You Think You Can Write 2015 contest.

Jerica is living her happily ever after in North Idaho with her husband and two children.  She spends her days building with blocks, admiring preschooler artwork, and writing while her baby naps in the sling.  Join her Book Club at www.JericaMacMillan.com and get a free book! Find Jerica on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Goodreads.

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